Frequently Asked Questions

Who is currently working on ClarionCorp and projects?
Currently there are two of us: blals, and lukimana.
How can I contribute?
If you have an understanding of React or NextJS, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via [email protected].
When is 'XYZ' getting added?
Currently we are working on implementing what we can, but I wouldn't expect much from this site yet.
Why is my profile empty?
We don't have access to detailed stats, so we don't have a lot to work with currently.
Why does the leaderboard keep resetting?
Odyssey frequently resets the in-game leaderboard whenever they push major changes.
How do I use the API?
There isn't one currently.
Where do I report bugs?
You can report bugs by sending us an email to [email protected]. Make sure to explain how to replicate the bug!
Why does this exist?
For proof-of-concept and fun mostly. Obviously stat tracking is not #1 considering this is literally just a playtest.